How to find your personal style?

How to find your personal style?

Are you also struggling to find your personal style? Well we all did at our initial stages and so I am here to share with you all my tips that can help you figure out what your personal style is. Now before I share those tips here's how I figured out my style. During my teenage years I never had anything to wear no matter how much I shopped, every time I came home after shopping I felt like this is it, I will no longer have to struggle with what to wear anymore, but I proved myself wrong every time, now this only happened because I didn't know what my personal style was and bought clothes by being inspired by the celebrities, influencers and other people not realizing that what looks good on them may not look good on my body type or my personality because every individual is unique and so is their way of styling, I made mistakes learned from them and now I finally know what my personal style is. Now here are those tips that can help you find your style so you don't make the mistakes that I did. So let's drive in.

1) Experiment: The more you experiment with your style the better you'll understand what makes you feel confident and what kinda clothes you like to carry on daily basis. It's a fun way to discover what kind of clothes make you feel your best.

2) Explore your wardrobe: Look at your wardrobe and take out all the clothes that you feel confident in and that you wear the most, now try to figure out what's common in all those clothes, Trust me this will make you understand your personal style alot better.

3) Forget the rules: There are no rules when it comes to fashion, all my life I've heard people saying that you can only wear a baggy pants if your top is fitted or a skinny jeans if your top is baggy, well I find my comfort in a baggy t-shirt and a pair of baggy pants, so if you really looking forward to finding your personal style you need to forget all the rules and only focus on what makes you feel better.

4) Get out of the trend cycle: Reconsider trends, now buying trendy pieces just because other people are wearing it doesn't seem like a very good idea when you're on a mission of finding your personal style, stick to what you really enjoy wearing and avoid getting into this trend cycle, unless  the trending item is really your style and something that you wont get tired of wearing or eventually stop wearing because the other people you got inspired by did. Focusing on your personal style instead of trends will also save you alot of money because your personal style won't go out of fashion with time unlike these fashion trends.

5) Take inspiration: Now by taking inspiration I don't mean that you blindly follow what other's are doing. See if the person you're taking inspiration from and you have anything in common, analyze why you like what he/she is wearing, and most importantly will that outfit compliment your body type. There's nothing wrong with taking inspiration from someone if you keep these three things in mind.

Once you get to know your personal style, you'll never have to look for what's trending to look stylish and chic, you will be able to create your own unique outfits even by sticking to the basics. Your style talks about your individuality so stick to what you're comfortable in and what brings the best out of you. I hope you found this article helpful. Thankyou for reading, see you in the next one.


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